If pleasant vacations had a devil, constipation would be it. This condition, known as Vacation Constipation (VC), affects more travelers than currently reported. Why, just the other day I spoke with a relative, who, when away for a grand total of five days, experienced what she called, “a less than desirable bowel movement.” This is not good news–especially if your mass movements are usually easy-as-pie.

As with general constipation, VC hits a strikingly high number of travelers each year. Constipation occurs when one has less than three incomplete stools per week. It may involve straining, abdominal bloating, headaches, lethargy and a loss of appetite. VC accompanies travelers on vacations as short as three days or as long as three months. Since vacation is a time when daily routines are altered, many factors that usually contribute to regular bowel movements can upset the balance. The body must adjust to its new sleep, eating, exercise, fluid, and emotional environment. During adaptation, constipation can occur to those whose bodies are highly regulated by these environmental and physical stimuli.
The goal of “vacationconstipation” is to minimize new cases of VC and help control those already suffering. Use vacationconstipation as a place for you to relieve yourself of the junk you’re holding up inside. Feel free to browse through this site for helpful strategies, offer some of your own, and rely on fellow VC survivors for support.